The ESL language test consists of speaking, writing, listening and reading parts. It is pretty easy to prepare for these sections through practice. The speaking part is quite easy to gamify with the use of worksheets, games and activities that teach the students essential skills required to answer these questions without even realizing that they are learning.
One of the parts of the conversation section is talking about the likes and dislikes. A student can practice answering these questions with the help of various tools and games. In this post, we discuss how you can use board games to practice ESL likes and dislikes questions. We also look at some other ways speaking sessions can be practiced with fun.

ESL Likes & Dislikes Board Game – A Complete Guide
Board games offer an easy way to practice likes and dislikes for conversation tests. Students generally love board games and they are great at revising the lessons. It is easy to cover everything you would do in a conversation test. Board games can cover grammar topics like reported speech, likes dislikes, adverbs, tenses and the use of might/can’t/must. Anything that has a simple right/wrong answer would work here.
You can easily make a board game for ESL students for the practice of likes and dislikes. In the ESL likes and dislikes board game, students get a chance to talk about their likes and dislikes for 30 seconds. You can divide the class in groups of 3-4 and give them a copy of the game board, counters and a dice. Students roll the dice, turn by turn, and move their counters on the board.
Whenever the student comes to a square, he/she talks about the topic mentioned on the square for half a minute without taking a break. If the student speaks for 30 seconds, they can move further. If they are not able to speak about the topic or speak less than 30 seconds, they go back to the previous square. The first to reach the finish position wins the game.

Image credit: ISL COLLECTIVE
Expressing Likes & Dislikes Lesson Plan
Those who are busy can use the ready-made lesson plans for various topics covered in the ESL preparation. Expressing likes & dislikes lesson plans help you get started with your teaching without any work on your end. You just need to print the lesson plan and start teaching the class. These lesson plans contain a number of practical exercises and fun activities to teach the students how to express their likes and dislikes.
You can use a board and add the positive and negative answers for ‘like’ along with the translation. The board shows how the sentences are formed for expressing likes and dislikes. You can ask questions in the class and move your finger along the board to explain to them how they should answer. Then, each student writes three things they like and three they don’t.
For the interview part, students prepare five ‘Do you like..?’ questions they use to interview their partner. You can ask them to use the sentence formation you taught on the board and correct any mistakes before completing the activity.
Likes & Dislikes English Worksheets
There are plenty of options available on the internet for printable worksheets to help you use activities and games for the ESL practice lessons. You can find a number of likes & dislikes English worksheets designed to make it fun and easy to practice expressing likes and dislikes for the ESL conversation test.
Likes & dislikes worksheets are classified on the basis of student level and age to make sure they suit the learner. These worksheets are complete with the games and activities so that you can just distribute the prints and get started with the practice. Most of them are available for free for download. These worksheets contain oral as well as written exercises with the perfect implementation of the lesson plan to help students learn the concept.
How To Play Like Dislikes Game?
Students can use the likes & dislikes worksheets to play a game where they ask each other ‘Do you like…?’ questions and give replies. Students are divided into pairs and given worksheets. They start by making four ‘Do you like…’ questions in the worksheet.
Then, they ask their partner these questions and the partners reply using the phrases given in the worksheet. The student can write the answer in the worksheet. When completed, students can report to the teacher their partner’s likes and dislikes answers.
Another way to play like dislikes game is asking each other about their favorite things. Students can first write down their likes and dislikes and then question others and note their preferences. You can hold a feedback session where each student speaks out about the likes and dislikes of his own.
Like Dislike Game Questions – UPDATED 2020
While there are plenty of options for fun games and activities you can use to practice expressing likes and dislikes for ESL, most of them need a list of questions. If you use ESL likes & dislikes board game in the class, you need to fill it with a lot of like/dislike questions that the students can answer when they land in the square.
Some of the examples of these questions include:
- What type of foods do you like to eat?
- What foods do you hate eating?
- Do you like movies?
- Who are your favorite actors?
- Do you like reading books?
- What are your favorite books?
- Do you like sports?
- Who are your favorite sportsmen?
Though it is easy to make a bunch of this type of questions, you can easily find ready-made like dislike game questionnaires to use for your ESL classes. These resources give you easy access to extensive lists of questions in different styles to use for your conversation practice games. These questions can also be printed easily and taken to class to quickly start playing the game.