One of the scoring categories in the IELTS test is lexical resource that assesses your speaking abilities. You are tested for the ability to use the vocabulary with the right meaning and in the right context. If you do well by speaking confidently using the vocabulary, you are likely to score good.
The speaking section of the IELTS exam can contain questions about food. To prepare for such questions, you should learn words and phrases related to food and practice using the vocabulary about food. In this post, we cover some of the useful IELTS speaking questions about food with answers to help you prepare well for this section.

IELTS Speaking Questions About Food – UPDATED 2020
The topic of food and diet often appears in the IELTS speaking exam. The examiner can ask you questions like what you like to eat, what your favorite restaurants are or the popular dishes in your area. The Part 1 of speaking is all about you and you are asked everyday questions about your life. The session lasts for about 4-5 minutes.
Part 1 of the IELTS test can have questions about familiar topics like your family, your likes and dislikes, your studies or job, your home and hometown and food. Food is an important part of your everyday life and questions about food and diet are quite likely to be asked in IELTS speaking.
IELTS Speaking Part 1 Food
The speaking part 1 of your IELTS exam can contain questions about food and your lifestyle. The examiner can ask you simple questions related to your everyday eating habits and food choices. You can also be asked about popular foods and dishes in your country and healthy and unhealthy food options.
Here are some of the questions related to food and their best answers:
Can you cook?
“I love cooking. I don’t think I am too good at it but I try my best. Cooking is one of my hobbies.”
What do you like to eat?
“I am not a fussy eater. I really enjoy eating different foods but I love Chinese cuisine the most. I also have a sweet tooth so I grab some sweets whenever I can. I am also a fan of Indian food because I think it is healthy and rich in flavour.”
Do you like eating at restaurants?
“I am a die-hard foodie and love trying new dishes at restaurants. I like to go to restaurants because it is hassle-free and saves you from having to shop and cook. You save a lot of time.”
Apart from these questions, you can come across food questions like the famous dishes in your country, your favorite dish, the main meal of your day, the person cooking in your home, the foods you don’t like and other things.
Food For A Special Occasion IELTS
The IELTS examiner can ask you about foods for special occasions in the Part 1 speaking session. Here is the most common question you can face.
On what occasions do you eat special food?
“I eat special foods on festivals like holi and diwali and special occasions like weddings, birthday parties and even small gatherings. Apart from this, we make special foods to celebrate whenever something good happens to anybody in the family.
Nowadays, we don’t need occasions to eat special foods. We eat special dishes whenever the mood strikes. I make special foods during weekends when I am free to prepare something good.”
Apart from this type of questions, you can be asked to describe a food that people eat on special occasions. Such a question can come in the Part 2 cue card where you will need to explain the answer in detail. To answer this question, you can pick any of the food items popular in the country and describe what it is, how it is made, what area it is famous in and when it is eaten.
Do You Have A Healthy Diet IELTS
Questions related to diet, food and health are regularly asked in the speaking part of your IELTS exam. So, you should learn and practice some health-related vocabulary to be able to answer them fluently. You can be asked to talk about healthy eating and eating habits of people in the present time.
Some of the most common questions about food in the Part 1 speaking are:
Do you have a healthy diet?
“Yes! I believe in eating healthy and try to avoid junk food items in my everyday diet. I always try to eat a balanced diet to stay strong and healthy. I have also chosen to be a vegetarian.”
How important is healthy eating for people?
“Eating healthy is one of the most important things today to have good health and stay fit. If you eat healthy, you can feel good and enjoy life. Everything is tough if you are not healthy.”
Are you careful about what you eat?
“Yes! I always try hard to eat healthy, even when I eat at a restaurant. I choose wholesome items over processed foods and manage portions.”
Apart from these questions, you can be asked things like whether you eat a lot of junk food and what type of food is available where you live. The examiner can also ask you what you do to eat healthy. In Part 3, you can be questioned about how healthy your country’s food is. You should explain the healthy and unhealthy choices available in your country and the tendency of people these days.
IELTS Speaking Healthy Lifestyle
One of the most popular topics for speaking in the IELTS exam is healthy lifestyle. A common question for Part 2 of speaking is “Describe a healthy lifestyle you know” To answer this question in detail, you should describe what the lifestyle is, how you know about it, when and how it is followed and why you consider it healthy. Another question about healthy lifestyle can be ‘Describe something important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.” For this question, you should explain what healthy lifestyle means to you, what aspect you feel is important for staying healthy and how it is important.
Here are some of the most common questions asked in Part 1 about healthy lifestyle:
- What do you do to stay healthy?
- How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?
- Is it possible to stay fit where you live?
- What part of your lifestyle do you want to make healthier?
- How has the lifestyle of people in your country changed from the past?
- What do you think is more important, exercise or healthy eating?
You can answer these questions genuinely with the use of the right vocabulary and proper pronunciation and grammar to get a good score.